Firstly let me delve into myself just a bit. I am not the type to speak well or with clarity. Honestly I'm not even a very social person. I am the type to hide away within my little hovel; guitar and pen in hand jotting down whatever rhythm strikes me. In short I am terrible with words. especially in important situations. Whether with a pretty girl, or for an interview, or just for a conversation that generally means more than just a passing "how are you?". I never can seem to pull it together. For me my words seem to stand in my way. Like a hurdle I just cant quite leap, or a mountain that just seems to grow ever taller. My worst blunders honestly are due to me not knowing how to speak with the level of clarity I need. I've hurt people caused fights and worse. Lately it has seemed that my life has been one obstacle after another; a maze of twists and turns seeming to never end. With old relationships rebuilding, new ones starting, and some simply disappearing. I have never known such chaos, and yet so much peace. I find myself more and more turning to writing and reading of God's word. for some reason when speaking I cannot show the level of devotion or caring that flows through my writings. And in that I would like to show you just how my mind works. With this post I want to focus on just what it means to be set apart. What it means to be socially inept, and try to help anyone and everyone see that words only mean as much as the heart behind them.
I would consider myself to be a bit of a theologian and a philosopher. At times maybe even a good one. But above all I know myself to be a man of action. I am the type to do anything and everything in my power to make sure you are taken care of. Even in the midst of extreme pain and anguish I tend to look after others rather than myself. It's a flaw and I know it. I should value myself more and blah blah blah... But really none of that matters, because in the end, I will always put others first. no matter how many times I get hurt and no matter how many times I get left behind. I know that I know that I know, I am unimportant. Not in the sense of oh I'm worthless and everyone else is better than me... No. I understand that I am only a man. That's it... no more, no less. I have discussed this idea with many people and most of them take offense when I say that honestly. And I get it, it's not what we want to hear. Man is supposed to be the biggest, and brightest, and best of all right? Maybe not. And I'll explain why.
We were created in the image of God. (Assuming you're a believer. If not maybe just listen, if you don't agree that's fine.) So to believe that means we are on top right? Because God is the king of Kings. Well yes He is the ruler of all things. But I believe we were set here to be something different, something more. We are called many things in the Bible as believers. The list goes on for miles; Coheirs, Ambassadors, Followers, Disciples, Servants, More than Conquerors. And that's just to name a few.
But I want to pick out three of those and focus on why they are there. Ambassadors, Bondservants, and Coheirs.
Now I know you think I'm straying from the topic, but just trust me it all ties together.
Let's start with Ambassadors:
Firstly what does an ambassador do? An ambassador is an official sent from one country or culture to be the representative, and to bridge the gap between the two parties. With that being said, why would we be referred to as ambassadors. My belief is that we are sent to do just that. To bridge the gap between the faithful and those who don't believe. Not to be a judge or to choose who is good enough. But to represent Christ and show the world exactly what our "culture" has to offer. And in doing so we will accomplish the great commission. We are to plead on Christ's behalf that the world know him.
2 Corinthians 5:20 (HCSB)
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, certain that God is appealing through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God.”
We all know what a servant is. A slave. so what does a slave do? Pretty much whatever the master says, and he doesn't really have an option to either. So what makes a bondservant different? They chose to be a slave. They actually loved their master enough to choose to be a slave and live life doing as their master asks. So why are we called bondservants if they are like slaves and we are supposed to be free? Because we are choosing to follow Christ and we are choosing to give ourselves to the master. Simply because He loves us and He makes certain all our needs are met. We are slaves with the ability to walk away at any moment.
This one is the most interesting to me. Because based on the word we are created by God to be His followers, and yet we are described as coheirs... We are described as equals with Christ The physical manifestation of a God who created literally everything! My very first question was why? Now this is only my opinion. I believe we are described as equals because firstly God loves us to the extent that He puts us first. There are several times the Bible describes God wanting to "start over". But He relents and makes a way for us to reconcile and become able to be with Him again. We are called coheirs because Christ was God's son, as well as Himself, and yet He puts us first. caring about His people more than the pain, agony, and humiliation He suffered. We were the first and last thoughts on His mind. Even with His dying breath He uttered "it is... FINISHED." The very last thought on Christ's mind was of YOU. He was concerned with finishing the mission to ensure you were taken care of. He made certain that you had a crown in His kingdom.
Romans 8:17 (HCSB)
and if children, also heirs — heirs of God and coheirs with Christ — seeing that we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. From Groans to Glory
John 19:30 (HCSB)
When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished! ” Then bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.
So what does this have to do with words, or speaking well? With all of that being said, Christ was a very meticulous speaker. He always made certain His words were well thought out and directed where they needed to be. That is a trait I strive for above all else. I want to be able to speak like Christ did with power and authority. With everything I just wrote out I hope you have the opportunity to see things from a different perspective, and maybe see how important faith is. I know that my words are just like the title. They seem to be on shifting sand, always trying to find a way to stand on ever moving ground. But I know that I am always pushing to improve and with His help I will. And so can you.
as always
Love God
Love people
Stand strong for those who can't
Be wise in understanding, Strong, and courageous
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