Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Lunar Lunacy

Have you ever had a night or nights where you just sit and stare at the moon. Do you ever wonder how many people are gazing upon the very same sight. And yet there are thousands of differences in their thoughts. Have you ever wondered why the moon seems to have such strong ties to what we see as love. But surely I tell you now. Wondering about these possibilities these concepts, they are no different than contemplating the vast and glorious concepts of God. You know my sleepless nights, you know my success, you know my failures, you know my weaknesses and strengths. Yet you still call me son. How cannot begin to explain what this is like. I could tell you to read the Bible, or I could tell you to pray. But in all truth there is no way for me to convince you. All that I can tell you and all that I can show you is nothing more than my own experience. I know where I stand now is not because of my strength, but because of the strength of a God who stands behind me. Now I know for those of you who are not believers you will be more inclined to stand against what I speak. But I would ask of you nothing more than to allow yourself the freedom for my God, Yahweh, Adonai, Elohim, or any other name known through history. To truly come and speak with you. For even if you see your self as unworthy. He wants to know you! And there is no one else he would rather know!

“For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.
 (John 3:16-18 HCSB)

Now why you might ask, would I bother to even begin to compare God's character with how we see the moon. But you see the moon's grip to us is more real than God himself. But to me the night sky, with the stars and the very face of the moon they're all the same to me. But what intrigues me is that if the moon has such a stronghold on what we value as love. Then why does no one see God in the moon. Now I believe that the stars, the moon, the very constellations song the praises of my God.

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge. There is no speech; there are no words; their voice is not heard. Their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens He has pitched a tent for the sun. 
 (Psalms 19:1-4 HCSB)

So why would I bother mentioning the moon? Because all of it is connected in such an inconceivable balance that we often times overlook the smallest details. Not realizing that they were in fact crafted so that we could search out His heart.  

Now I submit to you that the moon stands for so much more than tides, or love, or harvest. Imagine if you will that even though we need night so that we can sleep. That's obvious but in the grand design, could you see any more imagery in that? What I see is that the diagnosis of our world has such a finesse on it, that even our night is set to have a light to remind us that morning will always come. That we are given a reminder that darkness flees at even the slightest sign of light. That the very sign that we connect with love is actually the greatest sign of love that we will ever know! Now take a second to look at the signs. Every major civilization realized the moon brought prosperity, and many worshipped it because of this. Whether the tide, or harvest, or signs of fertility. The fact is that the moon brings success and peace, some might even say it brings them joy. Now to me it's a reflection of that warm loving feeling you get when you stand in the sun after a harsh winter. Now the purpose being to show from as many angles as I can possibly muster. That the moon as crazy as that might sound is as meaningful as it is beautiful. It shows love in ways I couldn't even imagine and we can all learn that gifts may not always be what they appear. 

Now lunacy is the state of being a lunatic. But as I've learned most who dare to step out of the box will be branded with lunacy. Forgive my rant just a few thoughts. Feel free to share you're thoughts or disagree. 

You are all soldiers so make sure you stand for the truth. And fight for those who can't fight for themselves! 

As always live with 
And most of all Love

Stand free and stand tall!!


Monday, March 9, 2015

Live, Learn, Love

So I haven't written anything in a while. Most of that being that I didn't know what to say or what to do. But tonight it hit me that my life is running whether I choose to walk forward or stay stagnant. So from here I am choosing to move forward and to learn from what I've experienced even if it sucks. And trust me it sucks a lot! It's never comfortable to look at a situation and sincerely admit that it's your fault. We've all experienced that awful gut wrenching feeling when you finally catch on that you screwed up. But the beauty in the misery is that you can actually look and find that in this terrible circumstance there is a wealth of knowledge to assure it doesn't happen again. But I digress.

In the last few months I have experienced pain that was all new and all too intense. I fell into a lull and I hit the bottom hard. Staring at the bottom of the bottle hoping and praying that it would bring back the shards of happiness I had felt. Now what's the purpose of even mentioning this you might ask. And in all of it I want to lift you up to let you know that when you feel that he'll itself is at your door I feel compelled to tell you that there is always a brighter dawn to follow even the bleakest of nights. No matter how bad you think things are, and no matter how deep you feel you've been cut, there's nothing to bad for God to heal! 

But in that I want to encourage you even more to be the person who steps out and reaches out if you see someone dealing with a problem. Honestly you have no idea how much that tiny gesture could change the course of their lives. Or in my case you might even find someone to spend your life with. Now from that moment I found an incredible friend that in time became the most incredible partner I could have imagined. 

Now to be completely honest and fair this romance looked absolutely nothing like I imagined it. And I was really uneasy about it at first, but none of my preconceived notions are valid because love and fantasy are not the same. Now in no way has this relationship been easy it's been much harder than most of my other relationships. Although the struggle is very much worth it simply because "anything at all worth obtaining is certainly worth working for"!

Now with all of this it's not to gush or make myself look good it's simply to show that everyone goes through hardships and struggles. Even if someone looks as if they always have it together more than likely they have something going on that's causing stress or hurt, unrest. But from this we can also gather that you can go from feeling like you have the world to contemplating death and drinking into a stupor, and just as quickly find friendship, love, relationship, and even faith. 

Most of all I say focus on being the best you that you can be even in spite of trials and storms. A great quote from Ernest Hemingway, "being noble has nothing to do with being superior to your fellow man, true nobility comes from being superior to your former self." 

In all things love God and love others. Reach out to the broken and fight for those who can't fight for themselves. We are all soldiers in this world, and we all have daily battles that we should be brave enough to stand up and fight! Learn from my mistakes and make it a point to ready yourself for war! 

And all I know is:
No one, no one lives forever
We will be remembered
For what we do right now

And baby I'm living louder
And dreaming longer, tonight
(We're living louder, we're living louder)
And baby I'm fighting harder
And loving stronger tonight
(We're loving stronger, we're loving stronger)

'Cause we're all just kids
Who grew up way too fast
Yeah the good die young
But the great will always last
We're growing older
But we're all soldiers tonight

Lyrics from one of my favorite songs and it fits perfectly "we will be remembered for what we do right now" it doesn't matter if the world remembers your name or that you ever lived. The lives that you touch will echo across eternity and will never even begin to fade!

Give freely
Live openly
Love deeply

"Those who fear tomorrow will suffer today!"
